How do you fund a world-class film center? First, you tell a good story.
The Maryland Film Festival had a bold vision to renovate Baltimore’s historic Parkway Theatre into a state-of-the-art contemporary film center. Post Typography shaped the Festival’s ambitious fundraising campaign with a compelling narrative across print, web, video, environmental graphics, and more. The campaign was a success and the Parkway opened its doors in 2017.
Envisioning a new future for a historic theater
Built in 1915, the Parkway Theatre served generations of audiences from the silent era into the 1970s. After decades of falling into disrepair, MdFF acquired this architectural gem in 2015 with the goal of creating a state-of-the-art film center in Baltimore.
A case-building book that stands out
This large-format book was a crucial tool and leave-behind as the Festival pitched the Parkway to potential donors and sponsor organizations. We combined beautiful photography, persuasive writing, and high-quality printing. The colorful design stands out from typical fundraising packages and captures the dynamism of contemporary cinema.
The Festival had a lot of great information that needed a structure. We filtered and organized their vision into a succinct narrative.
A great video to introduce the campaign
We conceived, produced, and designed on-screen graphics for a short video that announced the project to the public.
In the video, well-known filmmakers, including John Waters, make the case for the Parkway as a cultural lynchpin in Baltimore.
A website that inspires participation
Post Typography wrote, designed, and built the Parkway Campaign website as a companion to MdFF’s case-building book. The website allows the Festival to accept campaign pledges and connect with a global network of film lovers and preservationists.
$18 million raised in public and private funds. Construction completed in 2017.
Printed pieces that make it easy to give
Small, friendly brochures tell the Parkway’s story in print and solicit contributions for the project, while stylish invitations for a VIP party drew a spectrum of donors to this well-attended event.

Eye-catching graphics to build awareness
Prior to and during construction we encircled the site with fun graphics and even a participatory chalkboard that generated interest on the street and social media.
The giant murals put the location on the community’s radar and signaled the transformation about to take place.
Public Event
The campaign coincided with the Parkway’s 100th anniversary. We branded the celebration and lit up the Parkway buildings with spotlights and colored gels in the windows. It was attended by hundreds and led to greater-than-anticipated follow-up engagement with the public.